Shocking: Check Out How Much President Obama Earns Monthly.

In the US top earners are doctors and C-suite executives. Believe it or not, the job of the president of the US is the most admired anywhere on earth.

Have you ever wondered how much the president of the United States receives per month as salary? Yes, he receives a salary too. We got the answer!

The mean annual pay for anesthesiologists is $246,320, and chief executives earn an average of $180,700 a year. But what do America’s top earners have on the US president? Not much.The president is paid $400,000 a year, on a monthly basis(you can convert this into your local currency if you are not from the USA). Plus, he receives an extra expense allowance of $50,000 a year.

That number has evolved over time.The first president, George Washington, earned $25,000 a year when he came into office in 1789. Between 1789 and today, there have been five pay raises, the most recent one coming in 2001, when Congress doubled the presidential salary from $200,000 to $400,000. 
That salary alone is nearly enough to put the president in the top 1% of earners in major US cities.Don’t confuse salary with income. Take President Obama — while his salary is $400,000, his income in 2011 was about $790,000, thanks to investments and publishing royalties from his books.

Like most employees, the president receives benefits in addition to a salary. Unlike most employees, these benefits include free transportation in the presidential limousine, Marine One, and Air Force One and free housing in the White House.

Another bonus: At the end of their term, the president is still on government payroll, which includes an annual pension of about $200,000, healthcare, paid official travel, and an office.

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