woman has shared a touching experience of how she was infected with
HIV by her best friend's boyfriend and how she was raped by a close
Evelynne Shompa has told the touching story of how her best
friend's boyfriend infected her with HIV after she snatched him from the
She has been discriminated for her HIV status and recently got in
the news after a primary school refused to admit her son which later
attracted national headlines in Kenya. She is also an activists for
people living with HIV.
When interviewed by The Nairobian, she gave a detailed account of the touching incident.
Asked how she got infected, she said:
"A man I was living with infected me. I was introduced to him
by my best friend who was dating him. I did not have anywhere to go, so
she took me there to work (for him) as a house help.
"I was desperate and I needed money. A few months later, he
started showing interest in me and I could not say no. Before I knew it,
he had broken up with my best friend."
What was your best friend’s reaction? Evelynne said:
"She told me that I would regret it, but I dismissed it as just
jealousy. In retrospect however, I suspect she must have known about
his status since their baby died two weeks after birth."
How she found out about her status, she said:
"I had applied for a job at a restaurant and they required my
health records. I was confident because I thought they were testing for
pregnancy or drugs.
"Two weeks later, when the tests came back, I was told I was
positive. Actually, the doctor just told me that I had Aids and that I
only had five years to live. Those days, medication was very expensive."
Then she told how she was brutally raped by a close friend:
"A very good friend. One evening, I was very high and he offered to escort me home. On the way, he overpowered and raped me."
Evelynne Shompa is among many living with the virus and now
creating awareness for the disease. She's living a normal life and has
continuously supported many others living with the virus as HIV is not
the end of the world.
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